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Most Dwarf Cichlids, most Tetras, most Rasboras, most Corydoras, most Danios, etc etc. Basically Angelfish need a temp of around 78F a pH of around 6.8 to 7 and medium to soft water. There are hundreds of species that will enjoy similar conditions..Please remember that Angels are a large fish and 2 angels should have at least 30 galls of water to themselves (35gal tank). Always stick to the rules :-1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water changed every week. If you keep to the above rules, and feed the fish good food it/they will stand a chance of living a normal lifespan. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will have a very short lifespan.

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13y ago

Angel fish is both categories re community fish.

Its normal to see angels, guppies, mollies, danios and gararmies living quite well together. When planning an aquarium consider a range of fish that feed at different levels (top middle and bottom feeders)

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Q: What fish get along with dwarf angelfish?
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What do dwarf angelfish look like?

Dwarf Angelfish are among the most colorful fish, making them very popular. There are about 30 species. They look similar to the full sized marine angelfish and are often confused with the butterfly fish, except that their average adult length is 3.5 inches.

Can you keep tetras and guppies with dwarf angelfish?

Yes. Tetras, guppies and angelfish can coexist in one fish tank. Keep in mind that Angel fish will get territorial when they are mating.

Do angelfish blend in with other fish?

Do you mean will they mate with other fish or get along with other fish? They will not mate with other fish, but they will get along without tetras.

What can you keep with your angelfish?

Angelfish are slow and sedate fish they mix well with most Tetras, Rasboras, Corydoras, Dwarf cichlids etc. Just avoid the large or extremely boisterous fish that may bully or nip their fins.

Tilapia fish are related to which other fish?

Tilapia are in the cichlid family along with such popular aquarium fish as the Oscar and the freshwater angelfish.

What kinds of fish are compatible with angelfish?

There are not many fish that are compatible with Angelfish. Only Angelfish are truly compatible with Angelfish.

What is the angelfish?

The angelfish is a breed of fish.

How many dwarf angelfish can be put in a 120 galoon tank?

depends on what type of dwarf angelfish some require more territory than others

What fish eat angelfish?

Bigger fish eat angelfish such as catfish.

Is freshwater algae that grows inside a fish tank harmful to angelfish?

It is not harmful. But if you want to clean up the algae in the tank you want to get a pleco. They are very peaceful fish and will not harm angelfish. I have a pleco and three angelfish in my 35 gallon tank right now and they get along great!

Are angelfish and dwarf gourami compatible?

No... the angel fish as babies will be fine with guppies, but as they get older and bigger, the will become more aggressive and will eat anything that it can get to.

Where do dwarf angelfish live?

Dwarf angelfish which are typically territorial, live in freshwater usually near coral reefs. Source(s):