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Q: What else can you use besides sour cream to tone down Tabasco sauce?
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How do you tone down horseradish?

Well if you like cheese you could put some gentle cheese dip in it.But if you don't like cheese dip you could always use mild Tabasco sauce.

What are some good sexual punishments?

Put a piece of ginger root, peeled in her vag hole as well as tabasco sauce and soap and tape duct tape over it and put sugar down her anus and make her sit on an ant hill.

What is the clearly defined difference between American ketchup and tomato sauce?

Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency. Ketchup is spiced tomato sauce cooked with vinegar. Tomato sauce is the sauce made by cooking tomatoes down until the meat of the tomato breaks down into a sauce consistency.

How do you tone down barbecue sauce?

If a jambalaya dish is too spicy, there are two possible ways to make it less spicy. # Add more cooked, unseasoned rice (may require coloring to match existing dish) # Add one or more uncooked, peeled potatoes, in large slices (heat in dish, then remove, or serve separately once fully cooked) Of course, the easiest way is to use less pepper when first making the recipe.

Can you add whipping cream to spaghetti sauce?

I have used half milnot and half whipping cream or half and half to cut down on calories and it tatsed great. It coats the fettucine realy well!

How do you stop cream from splitting while cooking in a sauce?

Cream splits if it is cooked for too long of a to high a temperature, so add your cream at the last minute, and then turn down the heat or remove from the heat completely, and keep stirring all the time, serve immediately and enjoy.

Why does your soup get thin while eating it?

Without knowing what kind of soup or how you are eating it, I will relay this story:While doing R&D in my early years, my supervisor commented that sometimes his new Instant Spaghetti Sauce would get watery upon sitting. It turns out that he would taste some and put his spoon back into the sauce. He used a pre-gellatinized starch and the enzymes carried from his mouth via the spoon to the sauce actually started the digestion process and broke down the hydrated starch which resulted in a watery sauce.

What kind of sauce is made by boiling liquid down to concentrate the flavor?

Reduction sauce.

Why is cranberry sauce always labled upside down?

Check comments on Jason Nitzberg's website "Cranberry sauce upside down label mystery"

How do you make brown chippy sauce?

Gold star brown sauce, watered down with vinegar,easy as that.

How can you tone down Frank's hot sauce?

Mix it with a little water, or use it to spice up steak sauce.

Does hot sauce make you short?

No. Hot sauce does nothing but make food taste hotter. No. your height is down to genetics.