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Something other than cucumbers that you can use on you eyes is tea bags. I know sounds crazy but it works. All you need to do is get a cold cup of water and dip your tea bags in them. And put it on your eyes.

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I don't know, I've been experementing. but i'm not sure.

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12y ago

pickles XD i do it all the time or if u want u could use zuchini or however u spell it

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10y ago

potatos I know it sounds crazy but it has the same nutrition and doest stick or burn your eyes

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potato slices

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Q: What else can you put on your eyes other then cucumbers?
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Can you put cucumbers in a jar?

People can cucumbers in jars and turn them into pickles.

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There are a couple of ways a person can remove bags under their eyes. A person can put something cold on their eyes to help reduce the bags such as cucumbers. Also, one can drink lots of water to eliminate the bags.

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lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers sometimes i put in olives

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Can cucumbers be put in garbage disposals?

i believe you can, yes.

What happens to cucumbers when you put salt on it?

the salt starts to disintegrate

Why do women at spas put cucumbers over their eyes?

In order to get rid of any dark circles under their eyes. The circles may have been caused by stress, allergies or lack of sleep. Remember that treating the symptoms is not the answer, but rather treating the cause will make you look and feel better.

Why do people put cucumbers on there eyes at pamper parties?

I Have Heard That Cucumber Is Excelent For Rubbing On The Skin To Keep It Soft. Also It Cools And Heals Your Body. Someone Told Me It Can Also Soothe Irritated Skin. I Hope This Helped. :)

What is try to accommodate other person's position?

Try to put yourself in their shoes. Try to see it through someone else's eyes. Try to be the other person and feel what they feel. Probably connected to not being selfish and being at one with yourself, them and the world.

What should you do at a spa party?

You could buy cucumbers and cut them and put them on your eyes, and maybe soak your feet, and if you have a hot tub, do that. Hope this helps!! and do you nails, or hair and make-up just things like that maybe listen to music.