A Bell Bird is the bird that eats honey
One main carnivore that the honey badger eats is the snake.
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Nobody. Bees have poison in their stingers.
it roots there teeth before they get them if u give honey when they have teeth it will root there gums
Mostly various types of birds.
with his honey comb
The honey possum's name comes from the fact that it is nectarvorious meaning that it only eats nectar from flowers. Nectar is somewhat similar to honey in that it is sweet and it's about the same color as honey.
Honey is the honey badger's favorite treat, although they do not rely on honey, but the nutritious bee hive is a sought after delicacy. The honey guide bird, has a habit of leading honey badgers to the bees' nests, and eats the honey, larvae, and wax from bee hives.
They are omnivores and feed on insects, herbs, honey and such.