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Clownfish get eaten by sharks and larger fish. Such as Dolphins, Whales, Rays, Skates...etc.

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Q: What eats clownfish?
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What eats clownfish in the ocean?

Sharks ?

How a clownfish survive?

It eats and sleeps

What eats a clownfish?

Clown fish eat SEA SPONGE

What do clownfish give in return for shelter to anemones?

clown fish attract fish to the anemone because the fish wants to eat the clownfish so the anemone catches the fish and eats it

How do sea anemones affect other sea creatures?

Anemones provide food and shelter for clownfish. Clownfish appear to be the only fish that can resist the anemone's stinging poison. When an unsuspecting bigger fish tries to eat the clownfish the clownfish ducks into the anemone and the big fish gets shocked to death by the poison. Then the anemone eats the fish and the clownfish gets the scraps which is fine by it.

What is a clown fish diet?

Clownfish live in a symbiotic relationship with a Sea Anemone. They eat undigested bits and pieces that could possibly harm the sea anemone. Then the anemone eats the harmless faeces of the Clownfish.

What kind of shark eats a clownfish?

Sharks are predators, they will eat anything smaller than them, clown fish to humans.

How many different types of clownfish are there?

Heres all the ones I know: -Common Clownfish -Orange Skunk Clownfish -Maroon Clownfish -Pink Skunk Clownfish -Red sea Clownfish -Barrier Reef clownfish -Clark's Clownfish -Cap Clownfish !

Is there an lps clownfish?

no there is not an lps clownfish.

What is an example of mutualism in an estuary?

•The clownfish and the sea anenome benefit each other. It has been suggested that the activity of the clownfish results in greater water circulation around the sea anemone. In addition to providing food for the clownfish, the sea anemone also provides safety due to its poison. The clownfish is dependent on the sea anemone for its daily bread. After the anemone paralyzes and eats a fish, the clownfish will polish off the remaining uneaten bits and pieces. In return, the clownfish helps to keep the anemone free of dead tentacles by eating these. The clown fish also helps the anemone get food by using its bright coloration to lure unsuspecting fish into the vicinity of the anemone.

What is a group of clownfish called?

a group of clownfish

Is it clownfish or clown fish?

The correct term is clownfish.