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Q: What does turkey hens feed their young?
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Do bantams hens feed their young?

maybe i dont know

Does the hen feed the baby turkey's?

No, hens do not typically feed baby turkeys. Turkeys have specific nutritional needs and usually receive specialized feed to ensure proper growth and development.

Male turkeys and female turkeys are called what?

The female turkey is called a hen, a male turkey is called a tom or gobbler and a young male turkey is a jake.

What do you call a male turkey and a female turkey?

A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, a female turkey a hen, and a baby turkey a poult or chick. A young male turkey is called a jake and a young femaleis called a jenny.

What do you call a female turkey that has poults?

female turkey are call hens

Are turkey hens are halal for Muslims?

Yes, Turkey hens are lawful and Halal in Islam. The Muslims may eat them by slaughtering them in the name of Almighty God.

Is hen is a domestic animal?

Chicken hens are but wild turkey females are called hens to.

What is a hen turkey called?

Young turkeys of any gender are called poults, females are Hens and males are called Toms.

The three name for male female baby turkey?

A young male turkey is called a Jake and a young female is a jenny. A grown male turkey is a tom or a gobbler and female turkeys are called hens. Chick and poult are the names for baby turkeys.

Can you feed hens meet?

If you mean meat, then no.

What is the name for a women turkey?

Females are hens. Males are Toms.

What is a turkey called after five to seven weeks?

Hens or Toms. Or Dinner