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Q: What does the unfertilized egg look like when candled?
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What does a chekenegg look like when it is fertilized?

a chicken egg looks the same fertilized or unfertilized, what it looks like inside, i don't know.

How does a chicken know its egg has been fertilized?

The broody hen does not know that her eggs are fertilized. Broody hens will sit on an unfertilized egg for months if allowed. They will even sit on golf balls. Most farms remove any eggs that have not hatched after 30 days if the hen insists on remaining on the eggs.

Is there any different in the nutritional value of the fertilized egg and unfertilized eggs?

There is no nutritional difference between a fertilized and an unfertilized egg. People prefer to eat unfertilized commercial layer eggs, so they don't feel like they are eating the next generation. Also a fertilized egg does not have as long of a shelf life as the unfertilized one does.

What is unfertilized egg in a menstrual cycle?

An unfertilized egg is an egg that has not met with sperm to create a zygote. If an egg is not fertilised then it is reabsorbed into the body and a female then goes on to menstruate.

When an organism hatches from an unfertilized egg had occured?

Nothing. An unfertilized egg means that it will never hatch or grow anything.

What is an egg and where is it?

An egg is produced by an overy.An egg is an unfertilized female gamete.

When an organism hathes from an egg unfertilized egg what has occured?


Can you make a egg unfetilized egg hatch?

* Can you make an unfertilized egg hatch? No

What is an egg where is it produced?

An egg is produced by an overy.An egg is an unfertilized female gamete.

What in the fertilized egg which is not found in the unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the fertilized egg which is not found in unfertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not

What is in the unfertilized egg which is not found in fertilized egg?

a fertalized egg will hatch while an unfertalized egg will not