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Foo in the urban dictionary is most commonly used when someone is meaning the word fool. It has also been used when describing something that is not working the way someone thinks it should, or when something or someone is not "normal".

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Q: What does the term foo mean in the urban dictionary?
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How did Foo Fighters come up with their name?

'Foo fighter' is a term used by Allied pilots in World War II to describe Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's).

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Yes. The following example demonstrates this: #include<iostream> struct foo { foo(){ std::cout<<"foo"<<std::endl; } ~foo(){ std::cout<<"~foo"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { int CNT=5; foo * f = new foo[CNT]; delete [] f; return(0); } Output: foo foo foo foo foo ~foo ~foo ~foo ~foo ~foo

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The World War 2 reports of sighting Foo Fighters are now listed with all the other reports of Flying Saucers and UFOs. The term Foo Fighters is no longer in use.

What is the foo fighters address?

if you mean website address, it it

What does fruit mean in Japanese?

Furutsu (Foo-rut-soo)

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(ほげ) Foo

How do you play with your foo pet if you have no foo dollars?

same as foo pets