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Flour is the main ingredient in quick bread, forming the bulk of the product.

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Q: What does the flour do in quick bread?
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Related questions

What are the methods of quick bread?

to make it with water and flour

Why use flour in quick breads?

because breads require flour to make it a bread.

What ingredient is the foundation of quick breads?

Flour, sugar, eggs, baking soda, salt. There is no yeast in a quick bread.

What is the different meaning between flour for making bread and flour to make bread?

There is no difference between "flour for making bread" and "flour to make bread." Both phrases refer to the same thing: bread flour.

Is there any flour you can sub to make bread flour?

I need two cups of bread flour. I have ap flour and cream of tartar though. How do I make bread flour from what I have?

Can you replace bread flour with superfine flour to make bread?

Superfine flour should not be used in place of bread flour. Bread flour is made from "hard" wheat that has been bred to have the high gluten content that makes proper bread.

What happens to bread if there's no flour in it?

There is no bread without flour.

What is the difference in bread flour and plain flour?

Plain flour has a lower gluten content than high grade or bread flour so is less suitable for bread. Some bread flours may also have additives to improve the bread texture or to quicken the bread making process.

Is sour dough bread refined?

It is not the bread that is refined but the flour that the bread is made with - thus a sourdough bread can be made with unrefined flour or refined flour.

Can you Use self rising flour for all purpose flour to make bread?

Not for making yeast bread. The baking powder and soda and salt in the self-raising flour will affect the yeast and probably kill it, resulting in a bad-tasting, dense mess. Self-raising flour can be used in quick-breads, that is the proper leavening for them.

Is bread got flour in it?

Well yes... obviously flour is in bread... =_=

Can you use reg flour for whole wheat in quick bread?

Yes, it will raise a little bit more, but not enough to cause a problem.