Steak is an excellent source of very high quality protein and a good source of calories as well. So yes -- it's great! Moderation, however is always called for. Depending on your daily calorie requirement, one steak can sometimes provide all the calories you need for one day.
Steak in French is still steak. Le steak = the steak un steak = a steak du steak = some steak
pizza goes to your feet, steak goes to your hands and cotton goes to your head
Steak is a form of potential energy because it contains stored energy in the form of chemical bonds that can be released and converted into kinetic energy when it is consumed and metabolized by the body.
Outside skirt steak is tougher than inside skirt steak.
If the steak has lines of fat, it is called mabled steak and it is a better tasting steak than those with none.
The motto of Mr. Steak is 'America's steak expert.'.
A slice of beef, broiled, or cut for broiling; -- also extended to the meat of other large animals; as, venison steak; bear steak; pork steak; turtle steak.
An Oscar steak is a steak that has crab meat layered over it.
the steak was delicious.
Steak is not wood it is meat