The Name Peter is from Greek origin and means Rock...thus the person with this name embodies the characteristics of a rock-strenght and reliability.
Peter means "a rock."
The name of Peter means the rock.
The name "Peter" is translated to "Pierre" in French.
Peter comes from the Greek "petrus," which means rock.
Saint Peter was named for a rock. The Greek for Peter is Petrus and that means "rock" in Greek.
Peter was originally named Simon. Jesus changed his name to Peter (or Cephas in Greek), which means "the rock". Peter's name was Simon Bar-Jonah, which means Simon son of Jonah (or John in Greek).
Peter's original name was Simon. Our Lord changed it to Petrus (Peter) which means rock. Peter was to be the foundation stone of the new church.
Petrus is the Latin form of Peter
The name Pierre means "peter" in Englishit means Paris
The name Peter means "rock" or "stone" in Greek. It symbolizes strength, stability, and foundational qualities, reflecting St. Peter's role as a rock on which the Christian church was built according to biblical tradition.