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makes them vomit up the choclate

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Q: What does peroxide do for dogs and chocolate?
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Does hydrogen peroxide remove chocolate?


Can chocolate make dogs blind?

Chocolate may kill dogs.

Is semi sweet chocolate bad for medium dogs?

YES because all chocolate is bad for all dogs unless you invented chocolate for dogs.

Why does chocolate kill dogs and puppies?

Chocolate has an ingredient in it that is toxic to dogs and puppies. Please DO NOT feed chocolate to them. It does not instantly kill them, but hurts the liver and kidneys and eventually this will kill them.

Can dogs ands cats eat chocolate?

NO. Chocolate contains a substance known as Theobromine.This is poisonous to dogs and cats. Different types of chocolate have different amounts of Theobromine. Do NOT feed dogs or cats chocolate.

Can dogs eat whole chocolate bars?

Never feed chocolate to a dog, it is poisonous to dogs.

Why do dogs like chocolate?

it is something sweet but chocolate can make dogs sick and sometimes kill them

can you feed your dog chocolate?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs

What caffeine-like chemical in chocolate is highly toxic to dogs?

Theobromine makes chocolate poisonous to dogs.

Can dogs have chocolate candy?

No, it's poison to dogs.

Can dogs eat M and M's?

No, because dogs can not eat chocolate, unless they make chocolate free M&M's :) Chocolate is toxic to pets.

What is unhealthy for dogs?
