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open your heart means to believe in things and pretty much let diffrent socials into your soul.... and just because you have red/orange hair and freckles doesnt mean you dont have a soul. alot of people say that buts its not true. you need to know gods with you nomatter what happens or wherever you go. it means to try new things and be confident in your self. its all about knowing god and jesus is with you to carry you through problems and situations. if you dont know how to do a sport and its your first day......then you need to know god is helping you through that and letting you learn to have fun with it.just be yourself

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What is the difference between open heart surgery and bi pass surgery?

The term "open heart surgery" is really used incorrectly. We use it to mean a surgery where the chest is cut open to get the heart. A "bypass surgery" is where they cut open your chest and reroute the large blood vessels (arteries) on the outside of the heart. We do wrongfully call Bypass Surgery a type of Open Heart Surgery. But I would call a real "open heart surgery" where they cut open the chest and then cut open the heart to work inside the heart, like replace valves.

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the wearer has had open heart surgery No i don't think that's it. lol The open or cracked heart tattoo symbolizes a broken heart, loss of a loved one , or to portray the feeling of sorrow

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it means that they really like you. EX: "i heard that Danielle's heart is really heavy on you."

Was Grumpy mean?

Not really. He was a grouch with a soft heart.

How risky is open heart surgery?

The complications of open heart surgery really depend on your health, and only a doctor can really determine what complications may happen. However, possible complications include abnormal heart rhythm, bleeding, blood cots, stroke, and blood loss.

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It appears he really likes you and the heart next to 'I really, really like you' means love is also a factor.

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To know something by heart usually means by memory which would really be by brain.

What can you tell your boyfriend to let him know how you really feel about him?

just state how you feel, open up your heart!

Can one have surgery after open heart surgery?

i really dont know so ask someone else

What is the the function of the heart strings?

to keep the heart open

What does it mean when a boy says he doesn't date cause of a broken heart and you love him so much?

Then if you really loved him, you would let him be until he's ready to open up his heart to other people again. If you keep prying at him, you're only sending a bad message to him about you (that you're obsessed) and that you don't really care about how he feels.

What rhymes with open up your heart?

open up your heart