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Olive oil will give your cat diarrhea if they eat too much.

However, regular small doses (1 tsp or less) mixed with their food will promote digestive health and reduce hairballs by lubricating their digestive system. It also has the added benefit of giving them healthy skin and shiny fur.

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Q: What does olive oil do to a cat if they eat it?
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No. But mine does love carrots and pancakes.

Do the muslim believe that olive oil can be bless to heal you?

Olive and Olive oil is mentioned as a holy fruiet and Oil in Koran and according Islam things mentioned in Korah are blessed. also prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) said: eat olive oil and use it on your skin.

Can you take raw olive oil to improve your general health and what time is ideal for having raw oil?

Yes, some people believe that olive oil will improve your general health. I would start eating more salads, then top with olive oil and vinegar. You can also eat olive oil on bread.

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Fried in a little olive oil with herbs is good ..

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Olive oil! Are u kidding me!?

Do putting oil on your body make you fat?

It shouldn't if it's on top of the body. The best oil you can "eat" is olive oil.

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With olive oil & tahina and a pita bread

Which one is better - soybean oil or olive oil?

Olive oil is the healthier of the two. Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils, period.

Is light olive oil better than olive oil?

Light olive oil IS olive oil. Different varieties and types of olive oil are used for different things, so one cannot say that a certain olive oil is better than another.

Does olive oil contain fiber?

Olive oil doesn't contain fiber. It is simply oil from the olive.

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

There are many benefits to eating olive oil. Olive oil has been known to help protect the body against Heart disease. You can incorporate olive oil in your diet by substituting vegetable oil for olive oil.