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Q: What does it mean to be eating yam in a dream?
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dud goggle it ok

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At a guess, I would say that there is a downside to everything.

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What does it means when you dream about eating ham?

There is no specific universal significance to a dream of eating ham. It could mean nothing more than that you are hungry, or it might reflect an appetite for abundance. The dream might also represent your own families traditions regarding the significance of ham as it relates to holiday dinners, or religious restrictions about eating pork.

What does it mean to dream of maggots coming out of your chest?

it means you are eating too much chicken with your mud milkshake

What does it mean when you dream about eating?

When we dream about eating it simply means you are hungry or have a craving for a particular food kind. the brain is unique that if a desire is strong enough and is not being satisfied in reality the brain fulfills the desire in a dream and the feelings associated with actually eating the food is experienced in the dream. This theory is also consistent with wet dreams where a strong desire for sex results in the brain simulating the activity in the form of a dream to the point of actual satisfaction or climax.

What does it mean when you dream of eating money?

A dream about eating money sounds like anxiety that one's finances are being spent too quickly. Or it could mean that you are "putting your money where your mouth is." Many common and worn cliches end up in our dreams. You could be getting called to pay for the things you say.

What does it mean if you have a dream about dinosaurs eating you and everyone you love?

You have a fear of loosing someone you love or afraid someone will take them away from you.