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it absorbs a majority of the corn syrup and sores it in it's membrane

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Q: What does corn syrup do to an egg membrane?
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Why didn't the corn syrup diffuse into the egg?

Becuase eggshell is a impermabale membrane.

Which egg was in hypertonic solution?

Corn syrup

Why do you think that the eggs membrane will let water to enter but not corn syrup?

water molecules are smaller than corn syrup. the membrane allows a certain size of molecules.

What happen to egg is placed in corn syrup?

It shrinks into a smaller size. When an egg is placed in syrup the water moves out and causes a decrease in its mass. This is a result of Osmosis occurring, since water moves to higher solute.

What is the isotonic solution of corn syrup to egg?

its hypertonic. if it were in water, it would be hypotonic.

What happens to the corn syrup when an egg without shell is put in to it?

the egg decreases in mass because the water moves out of it through the membrane, this happens because water goes from low high to concentration. this is called osmosis.

After soaking an egg in Corn syrup what will happen if you soaked it in distilled water?

the egg becomes smaller

Does an egg float or sink in corn syrup?

until you mix it

Do you use active transport with an egg and corn syrup?

possibly der sonny boys

What is egg osmosis?

Egg osmosis is a demonstration where an egg is soaked in a liquid (like vinegar) to remove its hard outer shell, exposing the semi-permeable membrane underneath. When the egg is then placed in a solution with a different concentration of water (e.g., corn syrup or colored water), osmosis occurs, causing the egg to either shrink or swell as water moves in or out of the egg to reach equilibrium with the surrounding solution.

Is maple syrup and corn syrup are same?

No, maple syrup comes from the Maple tree. Corn syrup comes from corn.

Will a whole egg change when placed in corn syrup?

ahahah!!ok it's all has to do with osmosis and equalibrium!!the egg shuld turn brown after a day or soo this is because there is higher consintration of water then corn syrup sooo they try to reach equalibriom(is osmosis)