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The female Dalmatian molly differs from the male in that her ventral fin is triangular, his is pointed.

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13y ago

Male molly are more bigger and thin compare to female molly . If you see near its stomach it will to longer fins compare to female. for more details you can join in

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Q: What does a female dalmatian molly fish look like?
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What does a dalmatian molly fish look like when it is pregnant?

very fat and cute. :) <-- Yeah, that's helpful. NOOOT Copy this into your URL. http://www.aquariumfish.netimages_01molly_female_02_w180.jpg Hope that helps!! Good luck!!

What does a black molly look like?

Yes, a black Molly is a breed of fish in the breed "Molly". They grow up to about two and three-fourths inches from head to tail. These fish are a community breed so you can mix them with other community fish. They come from Central America.

What do pregnant silver molly fish look like?

Really fat. First the molly silver when she get pregnant she would take 50 day to 70 days to give birth to his baby but take the female a part of the MALES molly Silver the male is going to eat the baby and kill them one by one I telling you because today my female molly silver gave birth today and the male and other kind of molly they would eat the baby take the female apart please do it know before is to late

How can a lone female dalmatian molly get pregnant and have babies?

The gestation period for this fish is usually 28 days but sometimes can take some more time. Like all livebearers when the female is in pregnant it will develop a dark triangular shaped gravid spot near her anal vent. As the pregnancy progresses this dark triangular shaped gravid spot will get larger and darker.

What do balloon molly fries look like?

Dalmatian Molly fry are very tiny and hide in plants for cover. They are clear when they are young but gradually, they grow black spots.

How do you take care of molly and sucker fish?

These fish can be taken care of just like most fish out there. Get a tank with a filter and put them in. Feed the Molly tropical flake food and the 'sucker fish' pleco algae tablets.

Can a silver angelfish a dalmatian lyre tail molly and a green spotted puffer fish live together?

The Puffer fish does NOT belong in a really fresh water tank like an Angelfish needs. It should have totally different water conditions. It will rip and eat the fins of any long finned species of fish like Angelfish. Mollies being very adaptable can handle similar water conditions to either Angefish or Pufferfish.

What does a blue female betta fish look like?

it looks like they have a big bubble in their side

What is the tank tempuratue for a molly fish?

Mollys like to be kept at around 70F to 75F

How does molly fish newborns looks like?

Molly fish newborns, also known as fry, are typically miniature versions of the adult fish. They are very small, often transparent, and may have a slight coloration that resembles the parents. Newborn molly fish are usually able to swim and feed on their own shortly after birth.

What do female fish look like?

Usually very much like male fish.

Are there any good names for male molly fish?

Any name you like is a good name ;)