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Circle V is the Vaad Hoeir of Saint Louis, MO

Rabbi Sholom Rivkin

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Q: What does a circle with a v in it mean when symbol of kosher?
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Related questions

What does the symbol V mean?

when doing the V symbol with your hand some say it is a satanic symbol of the horns

What does a v with a circle around it mean?

V is foe vendetta

What does the warning symbol on your Honda CR-V mean?

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What is the symbol for a voltmeter?

In schematic diagrams for technicians: a circle with a V inside - or - a circle with a traditional analog meter pointer inside and the voltage or the function wirtten beside the symbol. In engineering or scientific experiement diagrams, a circle with an E inside. Expect to find several variations of this symbol throughout your career..

What does a circle with a v inside of it mean?

a cirlce with a v inside it means that its a volt meter

What does MW in a circle mean?

It can mean several things. If the 'A' is standard uppercase and printed with some distance between it and the circle, one possibility may be the symbol for an ammeter in electronics. If the bar and sides of the 'A' proceed some distance outside the edge of the circle, it is usually taken as the symbol for anarchy.

What does v car mean?

if you are talking about v-tech, it's a symbol of the way the valves in the engine are faced.

What is the symbol for average velocity of an object?

The symbol for average velocity is "v-bar" or v with an overscore.

What does the V + _ symbol mean in math?

It a letter in math. Am a right? Am not that smart tho

What does the symbol V stands for in electricity?

The symbol V stands for voltage.

How do you find volume of a circle?

A circle has no volume; it is a 2D shape. If you mean a sphere, then the formula is V = (4/3)πr3 where V is volume, π is pi (~3.14) and r is radius.

What is the symbol for speed and velocity?

The symbol for speed is "v" and the symbol for velocity is "v" with an arrow on top to indicate its direction.