Cantaloupes are rough on the outside. The rough texture is tan in color with the base color underneath a light green hue. When you cut them open, they are a beautiful shade of light orange. VERY tasty. I like cantaloupes much more than other types of melon. They are sweet, but have a nice firm texture.
antioxidants and taste
cantaloupe just like you spelled it.
i think that watermelon taste better.
I like both cantaloupe and honey dew but I mean cantaluope is not as sweet as honey dew (or atleast that's what I think) so I'm just going to say that cantaloupe is healthier!
Cantaloupe is known as "Kharbuja" in Hindi, and it is commonly enjoyed in India during the summer months due to its refreshing taste and high water content.
Cantaloupe is healthy for you but they don't give you protein. You can eat them every day at lunch, but you need to have protein too. And if you only eat cantaloupe then you don't get to taste all the other great tasting foods that are in the world! :)
Cantaloupe does not contain salt.
Cantaloupe Cantaloupe
Honey Dew Melon
The typically orange melon is spelled cantaloupe (also called rockmelons).
A cantaloupe typically lasts about 5-7 days before it spoils, depending on factors like ripeness and storage conditions.