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a betta's egg looks small and white and will be in the bubble mess. trust me, i have breeded them once. then, the newborns are super small and will usually be breathing from the bubble mess.

hope this helped, GOOD LUCK!

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Q: What does a Betta fish egg look like when it's lay ed?
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Is there any negative effects placing gold fish with tropical fish?

Most fish get along well. However, do NOT mix betta fish with other fish. Not even another betta. You have to have a permit to have to betta fish in the same tank with eachother. Betta fish are only mixed to mate. Bettas are not born in the egg. They come out as a very small fish. After the betta babies have come out, all of the fish are seperated. Even the parents, if the betta babies are left in the tank with the others the betta parents are very likely to eat the others.

How do you take care betta fry fish?

Kill them you can fry an egg and break the yolk up and feed it to them

What are the symptoms and treatment options for a female betta fish that is egg-bound?

Symptoms of egg-binding in female betta fish include bloating, lethargy, and difficulty swimming. Treatment options may include gently massaging the fish's abdomen, providing a warm and clean environment, and consulting a veterinarian for possible medication or surgical intervention.

A picture of a pregnant betta fish?

It's impossible for a female to be pregnant. They are egg layers. Females can be eggy, though.

Do betta fish get angry when you clean their bowl and mess up their bubble nest?

it depends on if they have egg's in there but if not they don't get angry.

Will betta eggs die if they fall on the floor of the tank?

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What do green spotted puffer fish eggs look like?

a green spotted puffer fish egg looks like a fuzzy ball

Why did my female betta or what I think is my female betta made a bubble nest when I moved her from my community tank to her own tank do I have a female betta or a short fin male?

If you would like to know what gender your betta is, look for the egg spot. (for females) It should be a small white cloud between the head and body. If your betta has one, it's a female. If your betta doesn't have one, it's a male.

What are the symptoms and treatment options for a betta fish that is experiencing egg binding?

Symptoms of egg binding in betta fish include swelling in the abdomen, difficulty swimming, and lethargy. Treatment options may include gently massaging the abdomen, providing a warm and clean environment, and consulting a veterinarian for possible medication or surgery.

What are the symptoms and treatment options for an egg-bound betta fish?

Symptoms of an egg-bound betta fish include bloating, lethargy, loss of appetite, and difficulty swimming. Treatment options may include providing a warm and clean environment, gentle massage to help release the eggs, and consulting a veterinarian for further assistance.

What would you feed to baby betta fish?

There are several types of "Egg Layer Fry Food" available at most good pet shops.

What does a egg look like?

Depending on the species a fish egg (ovum) can be microscopic up to a slightly conical shaped 1or 2 millimetre long, translucent, jelly like object. (They are usually very hard to see).