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Q: What does Gatorade glacier freeze taste like?
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What is the difference between Gatorade frost glacier freeze and glacier freeze?

Honestly I like Gatorade and I don't have anything against them, but they have no other flavors so they add the word "frost" to make it sound cooler and sell more

How do you know if a guy has pre-ejaculation?

when it taste like Gatorade

What is the point of G2 Gatorade?

It's basically for the company to make more money. Gatorade was good is what they are saying, but here's a whole new line! So if you like the old stuff you'll FLIP for G2 Gatorade! (I personally think they taste the same but am a fan of Gatorade)

What does freeze dried ice cream taste like?

It tastes very much like normal ice cream

Can you freeze apple cider?

Yes, but cover it up to keep the same taste, use something like tupperware!

What happens when you put an egg in Gatorade?

it turns like the color of the gatorade

Is liquid nitrogen tasteless?

It probably has a taste, but would freeze your tongue instantly so you wouldn't have a chance to see what it tastes like.

How many people like Gatorade?

I love Gatorade. It makes me feel woken up!

Can chocolate syrup freeze?

If you want to know try it! You never know it might freeze it might not, be adventurus. TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... but if you wanna no now, then heres an answer from my experience: no it does not freeze

How will baking soda affect the taste buds?

If you put a teaspoon amount of baking soda in 8oz. of water and drink it, your taste buds will be a bit strange for the next few minutes. Like I put some Gatorade in my mouth and it tasted like some kind of cotton candy mixed with fruit-by-the-foot.

Whats better Gatorade or water?

It depends on the type of sport you're playing, and the weather conditions. On a very hot day where the heat index is at a dangerous level, and where you are sweating well above normal, Gatorade might be a decent choice. Sports involving padding/helmets and hot weather certainly warrant consideration of Gatorade. The idea of Gatorade hydrating you any better than water is a complete myth. Gatorade contains electrolytes, which water doesn't, to help aid your basic muscular functions in extreme conditions. But it isn't absorbed into your system any better or more quickly than water is. This is a very common misconception that has been drilled into our heads by Gatorade's marketing campaign. The amount of sugar in the drink is worrisome, however. I recommend cutting Gatorade in 2 with water. 90% of athletes should just stick to water. And drinking Gatorade while not playing a sport is completely unnecessary!

What is a real tributary?

A tributary glacier is like a glacier to the side of the main glacier, oftem separated by a land form.