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Asparagus & Eggs Benedict are the most common uses for Hollandaise sauce

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Q: What do you serve hollandaise sauce with?
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Related questions

What country is hollandaise sauce from?

Hollandaise sauce comes from France.

What is the english name the hollandaise sauces?

Hollandaise sauce. It doesn't need to be capitalized, either.

How should you trthe eat handicapped person?

Lightly bake until golden brown, roll in breadcrumbs, serve with hollandaise sauce and wine

What goes with asparagus?

Hollandaise sauce is good with it.

What Bearnaise sauce is flavored with shallots an tarragon?

Bearnaise is a derivative of Hollandaise sauce. Bearnaise itself is flavored with tarragon but it doesn't have shallots like Hollandaise does.

Can you make hollandaise sauce with normal vinegar?


What type of emulsion is hollandaise?

Hollandaise sauce is a water-in-oil emulsion, where the water from lemon juice and butter are emulsified together by the egg yolks. This delicate balance of fat and water helps create the smooth and creamy texture of hollandaise sauce.

What seafood do you eat?

i like salmon fillet with hollandaise sauce.

What is a muffin with ham and hollandaise sauce?

It's Eggs Benedict

5 basic mother sauces in french?

* Bechamel sauce(White Sauce) * Espagnol Sauce(Brown Sauce) * veloutes Sauce * Tomato Sauce * Mayonnaise Sauce * Hollandaise Sauce

Greens beans with a healthy sauce?

Fresh green beans are pretty healthy and REALLY yummy with hollandaise sauce.

What is a harmful effect of making an hollandaise sauce?

One potentially harmful effect of making a Hollandaise sauce is that you will be using raw egg yolk. Many people worry about the risk of eating raw egg yolk.