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I lived on a small farm for a few years and we fed our chickens table scraps when their grain ran low.

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Q: What do you feed chickens if grain is not available?
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Is arsenic used in chicken feed?

Absolutely not, arsenic would kill a chicken. Chickens are usually feed wheat or corn grain. I own chickens and that is what mine eat.

What is the best tip bits to feed chickens?

You should feed them grain, vegetables like cabbage,and,if you want to,you can feed them single strands of grass.

What is the difference between vegetarian fed chicken eggs and non vegetarian?

Chickens can be fed two kinds of feed in farms: - grain feed - industrial feed the grain fed chickens are the "vegetarian fed" chickens. These are generally healthier because naturally, chickens are "vegetarians." industrial feed often has ground up pieces of other animals like hooves and bones and other odd and sometimes unhealthy ingredients. So if you have to choice, go with grain fed chicken meat and eggs. Hope that helps!

How do hen cache there prey?

Chickens eat bugs on the ground if they are free range. Many chickens are living off of a grain as chicken feed.

What is a chicken food bowl called?

The receptacle used to feed chickens is called a Feederor poultry grain dispenser.

What is in organic chicken feed?

The better question is "What ISN'T in organic chicken feed" because they exclude stuff like antibiotics in their feed.

Can you feed your rhonde island red hens cooked rice?

They will eat it. It should not be the only food they get as it will not meet their nutritional needs. You can also feed them raw rice. Rice is a grain and grains are what chickens prefer. A good mix of grain or a commercial chicken feed is best as a main diet.

How do you feed your chickens on minecraft?

You feed CHICKENS by right clicking them with seeds.

What do you feed small chickens?

Chickens will eat a variety of feed. Feed stores have chicken feed in bags you can buy.

How is the yellow skin obatined on packaged chicken?

The yellow skin is from the feed given to the chicken prior to slaughter. Corn feed chicken is usually yellower than mixed grain fed chickens.

Can you feed chickens dog food?

While chickens can consume small amounts of dog food without immediate harm, it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Dog food lacks essential nutrients that chickens require for optimal health and egg production. It is best to provide chickens with a balanced poultry feed specifically formulated for their nutritional needs.

What do you do if your chicken loses its eye?

If your chicken loses its eye, it's important to seek veterinary care immediately. The vet can provide treatment, such as cleaning and antibiotics, to prevent infection and help the chicken heal. You may also need to make modifications to the chicken's environment to ensure its safety and well-being.