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1) Sell them to a pet shop.
2) Sell them in the paper.
3) Give them to a friend.
4) If you have to, place them in the freezer. It will kill them without a lot of pain. What ever you do, do not place them in a pond, river or lake. We have to many problems with exotic species in our water systems.

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Q: What do you do with your fish and tank if you don't want them anymore?
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How many little guppies can fit in a 5 gallon tank?

Usually 4, but maybe 5 if you want to push it a little. But make sure not to add anymore fish after that. If you want more fish get a bigger tank.

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that depends what you want to do with the tank if you want a planted tank then dont go with a LED light inless the plants are very hardy and dont require a lot of light. if its just for fish go with the LED light. i have a LED light on my fish tank and my fish are doing great. i dont have any plants but i might get some hardy, low light ones. LED also saves energy

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i am sory but i dont have a chose i dont want you anymore.

Should you buy or rent?

buy. because it is yours when you dont want it anymore if you rent you have to give it back when you dont want it anymore

What do you need to research if you want a fish tank?

TheType of fish that you put in the tank and what they need to survive

How big should a fish tank be?

a fish tank size would depend on the size or how many fish you want to put in or if its tropical the tank would have to be measured and remember to get the water tested you don't want to kill the fishs

In fish tanks do star fish stick to the tank?

Yes, if they want to.

Can goldfish die from cleaning the tank to much?

Leaving a dead goldfish in your tank will boost ammonia levels.. You dont want ammonia in your tank. It rapidly kills fish

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You hurt them too badly; they dont want you anymore

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no i dont

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