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Before you get the hamster you need to get the cage prepared, then you can buy the hamster. The pet shop will give you a cardboard box to take it home in. Once your home, put the cardboard box in the cage then open it and let the hamster crawl into the cage and settle in before you start to handle it.

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Q: What do you do when you first get a hamster and bring it home?
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When can you pet your hamster once you bring the hamster home?

It's probally best to leave her/him till tomorrow so that he/she can settle in. I say this because when i first got my hamster i wanted to play with it straight away and it bit me :)

Is a hamster crazy when you first bring it home?

You can say that but you should never hold a hamster on its first day home. It needs time to relax after a stressful ride home in a car and put in a strange cage. If it gets too stressed, it could get wet tail, a fatal disease caused by stress.

What do you do when you bring your dwarf hamster home?

put it in a cage and watch it die because they only last 2 days and they are stinky

Do you get the hamster before the cage and supplies?

no, you should get the cage and supplies before so you are prepared when you bring your new pet home.

Can you use a hamster as a science project?

No,schools dont allow you to bring animals into the school area because some people are allergic so DONT TAKE A CHANCE!! keep your hamster at home

What if your hamster got bitten by a cat how do you treat it?

If your hamster is bitten by a cat, it's important to seek veterinary care immediately. The wound may require cleaning, antibiotics to prevent infection, and pain management for the hamster. Keep the hamster in a safe, quiet environment during recovery.

Shall you bring your sneezing hamster to a vet?

Yes you should bring your sneezing hamster to the vet... Because if you don't it could die.

What hamster don't eat?

Bring to vet

How much for just the hamster?

Hamsters cost a different amount for a different breed, and don't forget where you are getting it.Usually, these are the prices:Syrian, Teddy or Golden hamster: $10-$12Dwarf Hamsters: $4-$9And you should be able to bring your hamster and it's stuff home for under $50.

Why is your hamster so territorial towards you?

Ussally hamsters are not territoriale unless they are just brought home at first.

Do you have a hamster at home?

no they are to small

What to do when you have a hamster?

well the first thing to do is get all your new hamster things ready like the cage,the bedding,and the toys ready for their new home (you just have to go on youtube and look for hamster helper) their help you you out!hope that answered your question!