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Step 1: DO NOT have the male betta and female betta in a tank of bowl together! Step 2: The female will give birth and when she does DO NOT keep her in with the babies. Imediatly take her out and put the male in with the babies. If you leave the female with the babies she will eat them :( i know it's horrible. Step 3: Over time the babies will grow and to keep then healthy you need to start off by feeding them dried bloodworms. After they meet their adult stage you may sart feeding them regulat betta pellets. Step 4: Have fun with them and hope everything goes well!!

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15y ago
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12y ago

Betta fish DO NOT BECOME PREGNANT they are not live bearers and do not give birth to live young.

Betta females can become very rowed up (full of eggs) when ready to spawn with a male, a good indication of her being ready is a little white dot called a "ovipositor" on the bottom of her belly just behind her front fins will show, she will also change colour sometimes showing virtual bands to let males know she is ready.

if she is showing signs of wanting to breed it is a good idea to research how to spawn, hatch and rear the young as food needs to be prepared before hand.

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11y ago

Betta fish are egg laying; you want to begin by feeding them live food such as brine shrimp for optimum strength and health. Once you have the breeding tank ready (I recommend a 5 to 10 gallon), introduce them to each other by using a divider in the tank. Watch their behaviour towards each other, and if the male wants to breed, he will build a bubble nest.
If he does this, release the female to the male and he will squeeze her to get eggs, catch the eggs, and put them in the bubble nest; this process can take several hours.
Once they are done, place the female back into her main tank, and leave the male with the bubble nest until the fry are ready to hatch - then remove him to his main tank.
This is why it's best to use an actual breeding tank since the adults need to be separated from the babies, and it makes it easier on you to raise the fry.

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15y ago

After mating is complete, the male usually attacks the female and chases her away; this is a good time to remove her from the breeding set-up. The male will tend the eggs, and the larvae that will hatch within the next 24-36 hours, picking up any egg and fry that will fall from the nest and placing them back in it. After about 48 more hours, the fry start swimming freely, at this point, remove the male as well. Once the male is out, it's time to insert an air-operated sponge-filter (the filter must run for about two weeks before spawning in a well established aquarium!!!) and to feed the fry. First foods which are suitable for fry as small as these, are Infusorians (mostly Paramecium), Green-water, Powdered dry foods and liquid fry foods. Another way to supplement the fry's diet is by using Java-moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) in the aquarium (this plant is also essential as a hideout for the female!)- This plant provides a substrate for a rich Micro-fauna of microscopic creatures, which supply addition to the fry's diet...

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13y ago

when she is, let the male and female come together in a circular embrace. then when the male wakes before the female (they are going to look like they are dead) he will scoop the eggs and put them in a bubble nest he would have built before the breeding. then later when he is done, put the female in a separate bowl or tank so she doesnt eat the eggs. and feed the male a little a day when he is keeping watch over the eggs in the nest. HOPE IT HELPED. IF I WAS ON TIME IF A BETTA OF YOURS WAS GONNA LAY EGGS lol. oh and if you have a filter, i would turn that off for a little or get a sponge filter...

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12y ago

Bettas don't get pregnant; the eggs are only fertilized after she lays them. Females will sometimes release eggs on their own, the way birds can lay infertile eggs, but this isn't a bad thing.

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13y ago

just relax and watch them grow and leave the betta fish do what it has to do for the babie betta'z

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How does a female betta get pregnant?

She breeds with a male Betta Fish.

What about pregnant betta?

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Can betta fish get pregnant?


Can boy betta fish get pregnant?

of course not!!!

Your betta is fat and not eating much so does that mean shes pregnant?

I guess your Betta has a roundish tummy. That is its normal body shape. Bettas certainly can not be pregnant because they are egg layers and don't get pregnant.

When do you start noticing a betta is pregnant?

a female Betta is always pregnant!! But u will start to notice vertical lines on its body like this!!!!!!!!!! not like this ---------. if they are horizontal then your fish is stressed out

What are the signs of a pregnant betta?

There will be a string hanging from its butt.

How big can a Betta get when not pregnant?

Bettas are egg layers so they do not get pregnant. A female Betta splendens will grow to around 1.5 to 1.75 inches and a male about 2 to 2.5 inches.

What are signs of a female Betta fish being pregnant?

they are spawners. they dont get "pregnant"

A picture of a pregnant betta fish?

It's impossible for a female to be pregnant. They are egg layers. Females can be eggy, though.

Can a tiger barb get a betta pregnant?

Tiger Barbs (Barbus tetrazona) are egg layers and do not get pregnant.

How does the female betta look when pregnant?

big around the stomach just like a human!