Take it out immediately. Uneaten fish food will decompose rapidly and foul the water. As the decomposes, Ammonia and Nitrite are produced in the aquarium water. These chemicals are deadly to all fish, (some more than others). Also, if your fish is constantly not eating, there is a problem. Most commonly, the water is fouled (that pesky ammonia and nitrite again), or the wrong food is being offered, or the fish is suffering from aggression from other tank mates, or disease, i.e. white spots, red streaks in the fins, white slim covering, red inflammed gills, etc.
Talk to a pro at a full service aquarium store, stay away from chain pet stores at all costs.
Yes, Actually you should because decomposing food is not good. I learned this the hard way, with my fish Easton. He did, sadly die. Maybe because of his food, maybe because of something else. But if you take it out, use a net, not your hands!
Something must be wrong if your Betta is not eating. Check which of the following you are not doing. Bettas are tropical fish and need their water to be heated to around 78F. A minimum sized container for a single male should hold at least 3 gallons of water and a cycled filter should be running 24/7. Given the above necessary conditions the Betta should eat OK. If you are missing out on the requirements the Betta will get sick and die eventually.
it might be sick, or the water isn't clean enough, test your pH level, ammonia, and nitrate level.
i had a betta i put it witha nother female, they had a fight:( sso i removed them and separated them, the betta ate part of the other bettas tail, she would not eat, she dies shortly after, i boght her at petsmart in a cup, i dont think they feed their bettas
also i had another betta, i fed her, twice in a row, i forrgott to feed her!:(
she wouldnt eat, i tried feeding her twice a day, it worked she ate!so, feed your betta twicw a day see if she eats stop feeding it once she starts to eat,
you could also try another type of food like flakes, small pelets, blood worms?
You can try to offer it a different kind of food. Some bettas only like pellets, while other betta fish eat flakes, live food such as blood worms and brine shrimp, Frozen blood worms or freeze dried food varieties. So I would just try to feed your fish some different foods and see if any of them catch his attention.
When your Betta fish is fasting it means it is not eating, this usually happens after the Betta has bred and it will not eat until all the Betta eggs are hatched.
Take the Betta out as soon as possible.I have a Betta in my tank with other fish,but he doesnt fight with my fish at all.
You don't. Those fish are bred and born to fight each other. Keep them in seperate tanks. Sorry :(
most of the time they will stop eating because of old age and about to die or you feed it too much. If you have a Betta I suggest feeding it once a day.
mine did that a few months before it died!!:(
Your betta fish may be laying on its side and not eating due to a variety of reasons, including stress, illness, poor water quality, or swim bladder issues. It is important to monitor your fish closely and consider consulting a veterinarian or a knowledgeable fish expert for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Betta fish do not eat fish.
other Betta fish and the bigger fish.
No betta fish are carnivores.
Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.
A betta is a fish of the species Betta, especially Betta splendens, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish.
Yes, Betta fish can generally get along with snails as tank mates. Snails can help keep the tank clean by eating algae and leftover food, but it's important to monitor the Betta's behavior to ensure they are not aggressive towards the snails.