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Provided you have followed the basic rule of "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water" (so a Betta needs at least 3 gallons of water) and the tank has a cycled filter. (to remove deadly Ammonia and Nitrite). The fish will be perfectly OK going without food for 3 days.

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Q: What do you do if you leave your betta fish alone for a weekend?
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Related questions

Why is the male betta fish not fighting the other male betta fish?

beta fish are very territorial if there is plenty of room for both of them in a tank they will just leave each other alone and another reason is that they haven't had to compete for food

Are betta fish found in schools or alone?

They are very solitary fish and prefer to be alone.

Will a male betta fish kill a female?

yes betta fish have to live alone or one will kill the other.

Do girl Betta fish need boy Betta fish to live?

No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.

What do you do if your Betta Fish makes a nest?

Just leave it. If you really want to remove it you can, but it's just a sign of a healthy betta.

Are betta fish aggressive?

Yes.yes.very aggressive.they have to be kept alone or it'll fight with others.

Can you breed fighter fish in an nonaerated unheated tank?

maybe if you have a warm house. but if you plan on breeding Betta fish in under 70 degree water, let alone housing them, your betta fish will probably die.

Can a betta fish live with another betta of the opposite gender?

yes but once the female runs out of eggs to make babies the male will kill herNo, unless you want: 1. To kill the two betta's or 2. You want eggs. As you probably know, betta's are also called Siamese fighting fish. so if you leave 2 betta's alone in one tank, they will mostly kill each other in the next hour. Good Luck!Source(s): I own a betta, and it has been living with me for 3 years

Do you have to put an automatic fish feeder if you are going to leave your betta for a week?

no. but if you have a unhealthy b

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.

What preys on betta fish?

other Betta fish and the bigger fish.

Are Betta Fish omnivores?

No betta fish are carnivores.