hermit crabs bathe in warm water
You Can but there's a water shack in hermit crab the keep the moister-ed and by washing them can destroy it
You can bathe your hermies in hermit crab salt which you can find at petsmart.also if you have small crabs put a sponge in the water dish the water temp should be 60 to 70 degress.ps I've been raising hermit crabs for 30 years in my old crab is 30 years old
Mites. If you get them don't worry just bathe your hermit crabs a few times, dump out all their substrate and get new substrate and wah all their toys and dishes. These mites cannot harm the crabs.
I can't say there's a lot to do with hermit crabs. If you play with them a lot, you can stress them out. But when you weekly bathe your hermit crabs, you can leave them out a little longer to play. By using safe and easy building supplies (like paper towel tubes) you can build an obstacle course for your crabs. You can also enter your hermit cabs in yearly competitions (most of them are in Georgia)
They are somewhat common depending on the habitat you have available for your hermit crabs. Mites are generally attracted to moist, humid areas. But they won't be to much of a problem as long as you clean your tank regularly and bathe your crabs weekly
A lot
No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.
Yes hermit crabs have antennas.
fish and bigger hermit crabs
No hermit crabs are small and friendly
They just slide in the salt ( SEA salt) water and slide out. they also clean them selves by rubbing all the dirt off them.