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no because it beats its wife and robs bottle shops

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they eat vechtibles

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Q: What do spotted cucumber beetles eat?
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What pests like to eat cucumbers?

Aphids, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, pickleworms, slugs & snails.

What do spotted skinks eat?

Spotted skinks eat a wide variety of different foods. These include crickets, beetles, ants, grubs, and other types of small insects

What do Red-spotted toads eat?

The red spotted toads food mostly consist of bugs like beetles, ants, bees, and other arthropods.

What does a spotted skunk eat?

Spotted skunks eat bird eggs, chickens, moles, mice, rats, ants, spiders, worms, lizards, voles, stink bugs, crickets, earthworms and beetles.

What does bess beetles eat?

Some of the predators of the Bess beetle are woodpeckers, turkeys, and the spotted salamander. Other animals that prey on Bess beetles are toads, opossums and the hognose snake.

Are cucumber beetles poisonous?

Well, hello there, friend! Cucumber beetles are not poisonous to humans. While they can be harmful to plants by feeding on them, they do not pose a direct threat to people. Remember, everything in nature has a purpose, even these little beetles. Just keep enjoying the beauty of the world around you!

What animal eats cucumber plants?

Animals that may eat cucumber plants include rabbits, deer, and some insects like cucumber beetles. These animals are attracted to the green foliage and tasty fruit of the cucumber plant. Protecting your plants with fencing or natural repellents can help deter these pests.

What is the striped cucumber beetles native land?

Afrrica and Arctica

Where do cucumber beetles live?

they live in dirt, trees, and in rocks:)

What pest eats plants?

Pests that eat plants are Aphids, Asparagus Beetles, Cabbage worms and cabbage loopers, Colorado potato beetles, Corn borers and corn ear worms, Cucumber beetles, Cutworms, Earwigs, Flea beetles, Leaf miners, Mexican Bean Beetles, Root Maggots, Squash Bugs and, Tomato Horn Worms.

What are the predators of bess beetles?

Bess beetles have many predators like turkeys woodpeckers and spotted salamanders

Do butterflies eat beetles?

no they do not eat beetles. they eat leaves.