

What do halal people eat?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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Anything that is Halal, such as chicken (that has been made Halal) or any other kind of meat except pig. Wine is Haram and any other alcoholic drink is forbidden in Islam. you can have halal beef.

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It is perhaps easier to begin with those foods which are NOT Halal, they are

Pork meat (i.e. flesh of swine) [Qur'an 2:173]

Blood [Qur'an 2:173]

Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but God. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be "divine". [Qur'an 2:173] [Qur'an 5:3]

Carrion [Qur'an 2:173]

An Animal that has been strangled, or beaten to death, or killed by a fall, or gored to death, or savaged by a beast of prey, except that which you may have slaughtered while it was still alive; [Qur'an 5:3]

Food over which God's name is not pronounced. [Qur'an 6:121]

Alcohol and other intoxicants. [Qur'an 5:90-91] Lawful, to you is all water-game, and that which the sea brings forth, [Qur'an 5:96] Please note the links for a list of food and ingredients which the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America has compiled.

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You mean why do Muslims eat halal meat. There is a very simple reason for that. Eating halal means eating an animal that has gone to heaven. To make something halal, you have to pray before killing the animal. This satisfies people that they are not unfair towards animals. Hope that helps.

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