

What do goldfish food call?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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14y ago

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the name of goldfish food is goldfish flake food

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Q: What do goldfish food call?
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Can goldfish eat pond goldfish food?

not if it is your pet. you have to go to the oet store for certain pet food for goldfish

Are goldfish vegitarians?

Yes. Goldfish food is made from veggies.

What food do a goldfish eat?

Fish food

What would you call a black goldfish?

I would name my black goldfish Fin

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The young of fish are known as 'fry' goldfish included

How does your goldfish act when you give it food?

When I feed my goldfish they act excited.

Can a goldfish eat icebreg lecture?

Lettuce is not a proper food for goldfish.

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Goldfish are carp so I guess they do.

Can a betta fish eat goldfish food for one day It has already went one day without food my father bought goldfish food instead of betta should i wait until tomorrow or feed it goldfish food tonight?

Yes it can. My beta ate goldfish food for 2 weeks and it was fine.

How does the goldfish find and catch its food?

A goldfish uses smell to find their food whether they are in the wild, or an aquarium environment

Can you feed beta goldfish food?

Yes. I fed my goldfish betta food, and he ate it. Hope this helps.

Will goldfish change color with different types of fish food?

Different types of goldfish food typically don't affect the colour of goldfish, however there are some specific goldfish foods that may enhance the color of goldfish- but do not change its overall color.