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Q: What do frigatebirds eat?
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What is the frigatebirds habitat?

Frigatebirds are sea (or ocean) birds.

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What are adult iguanas enemies?

Marine iguanas are often preyed upon by Frigatebirds.

What is a pelecaniformers?

Pelecaniformes is an order of medium-large sized water birds that have all four toes with webbing. This order contains Pelicans, Frigatebirds, Gannets, Boobies, Cormorants, and Darters.

What animals other than sharks eat seagulls?

Seabirds come in many sizes and shapes, each with their own name. The albatross is probably the best known, but many more exist and can be found in nature. More information is available in books and on the web.

What type of bird was studied on the Galapagos?

Eagles, hawks, osprey, owls, shrikes, herons, anhinga, gulls, terns, skuas, puffins, auks, cormorants, gannets, boobies, albatrosses, frigatebirds.

What are some of Florida's native birds?

Florida is a haven for birdwatchers. Here are few to look for: Albatross, Boobies, Cormorants, Coots, Cranes, Ducks, Egrets, Flamingo, Frigatebirds, Falcons, Gannet, Grebe, Hawks, Herons, Ibis and the list goes on.

What are some adaptations of frigate birds?

Frigate birds have adapted by having long wings for soaring flight, a lightweight body to reduce energy expenditure, and the ability to lock their wings in place to glide effortlessly over long distances without flapping. They also have a unique pouch on their throat that they can inflate during courtship displays to attract mates.

What are the scavengers of the galapagos islands?

Some common scavengers on the Galapagos Islands include frigatebirds, mockingbirds, and Sally Lightfoot crabs. These animals feed on carrion or leftovers from other predators, helping to clean up the environment and recycle nutrients.

What kinds of birds are in Bora Bora?

In Bora Bora, you can find a variety of bird species including the white tern, Pacific reef heron, kingfishers, and various seabirds such as frigatebirds and tropicbirds. These birds can be seen throughout the island's lush forests, lagoons, and coastal areas.

What type of animals are found in Tortuga?

Tortuga, an island off the coast of Haiti, is known for its diverse wildlife including various species of birds, reptiles, and marine life. Some common animals found on Tortuga include frigatebirds, iguanas, sea turtles, and various species of fish and coral.

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