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The "regular" fish food you get at the pet store is fine for this little guys.

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Q: What do coolie loaches eat?
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Will goldfish eat coolie loaches because they look like a worm?

Correct Me If I am Wrong , If The Loach is small enough to fit in the Goldfish , It will wind up there.

I just got a new Coolie loach and he won't come out from under a coral decoration. How do i get him out without stressing him more?

Coolie loaches are nocturnal so they are most active at night. Having multiple loaches will make them more playful.-Melchisedek

Your new coolie loach is NOT eating please help?

as far as I am aware, coolie loachs need catfish pellets and will not eat normal flake food. I had this problem with clown loaches at first, but thankfully, i realised and started buying them catfish pellets. thanks,I told my Mum,but she wouldn't listen to me!!!!!! Answer Coolie loaches are nocturnal so they mostly hide during they day, they come out and scavenge during the night. They will eat algae pellets, just put one in later in the day.-

Are loaches predators or consumers?

Loaches are a actually both. They eat smaller animals such as snails, as well as algae and other growth.

How do clown loaches eat?

The same way as any other fish. They use their mouths and swallow.

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What do clown loach eat?

Clown loaches are carnivores and only eat vegetables to complement their diet. It is therefore recommended that they are given food that reflects this. To get your clown loaches to grow, optimal feeding 3-5 times a day is recommended. (They still grow slowly). Their diet should contain a variety of foods, and can include almost any carnivorous food. A good base may be shrimps, different sinking wafers, different frozen foods, and as they grow older, fish slices. Clown loaches can make a clicking sound, and they will do this when they are content. Therefore you will soon find out what is your loaches' favourite food by them clicking when they receive it. Like most other fish, clown loaches might need some time to accept new foods, however once they do it might become a favourite. Clown loaches are one of the few fishes that eat and like snails, and can therefore be of good use in snail control.

When was Coolie Ranx born?

Coolie Ranx was born on 1965-03-09.

What is the definition of coolie?

A 'coolie' is an unskilled field labourer in Far Eastern countries.

What is a long and skinny fish?

Needlefish, dojo loaches, kuhli loaches, ghost knives, etc.

What are the ratings and certificates for Coolie - 2004?

Coolie - 2004 is rated/received certificates of: India:U

Do plecto fish eat clown loaches?

No. I have had my Clown for years along with a few different Plectos. Everybody loves each other!