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chicks need (baby chicks) heat lamp, for warmth. food and water and a nice home !!

they can eat normal chick food you buy from the store or you could crush up some oats and they will love it! (well mine did any way!!) need any questions awnsering just ask!!

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13y ago
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13y ago

Usually nothing, they don't need toys. They might kick around their food a bit?

Not having hands has a lot to do with it, I think. It's hard to "play" with something when you can't pick up, give it to someone (chickens NEVER share), or throw it.

Small chicks seem to play with each other a bit, but they are probably just establishing their pecking order. Older chickens maintain the pecking order, and that can sometimes seem like play. Rough play, sometimes.

Chickens like to EAT. That's what they do all day long, with some breaks for resting and bathing. They are picky eaters, too. Lots of people say they will eat anything, and while they will eat many things, they will always eat what they like and are familiar with first. But they will get around to the other stuff later, unless they have their pick of better stuff.

Chasing insects or small lizards seems to be great fun for chickens, so I guess you could say they 'play' with them. Also, if you give one chicken something to big for her to eat in one 'gulp', the other chickens will chase her around to get it and it will seem that they are 'playing' keep-away.

When they "bathe".... which means wallowing in a dusty/sandy place... they seem to have a lot of fun, but is this "play" or instinct? There may be more than one chicken at a time doing this, but you get the impression they aren't doing it together, so if they are playing, they are doing it with themselves.

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13y ago

Chicks are simple creatures and could be frightened by some toys. They could just play with each other. And I mean baby chickens, although the same may be true to some women.

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11y ago

shiny things

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Chicks are just baby Chickens, just like puppies are baby dogs, and Kittens are baby cats. They can't stay babies for ever. So they grow up into chickens.

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