

What do all fish eat in lakes?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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9y ago

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yes fish live in lakes they live in fresh water and salt water

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Q: What do all fish eat in lakes?
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because all the fish eat them

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Are all fish toothless?

Not all fish are toothless. One example of a fish with teeth is the Barracuda. The barracuda is not a shark, but it does have teeth. little ones, in finger lakes usually , just have strong enoguh jaws to eat

Most famous grilled fish in Egypt?

All kinds of fish are eaten. The fish is captured from lakes or rivers, so you can't exactly say what is the most famous grilled fish because Egyptians eat all kinds of fish and not only Egyptians eat fish everyone does! To tell you the truth Egypt foods are so good and the taste delicous!

What type of fish eats algae in fresh water lakes?

Some examples of fish that eat algae in freshwater lakes include catfish, tilapia, and grass carp. These fish help keep the algae levels in check and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

What do all fish eat?

Well all fish in the ocean eat the gappie fish and the fish that live in the fishtank they all eat normal fish food.

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Any type of fish that they could catch at sea or in their rivers and lakes.

Do fish eat mosquitoes?

There are fish that do eat them, but not ALL fish eat them.

What bony fish eat?

Any animal can eat bony fish, but usually humans eat all fish.

Why are lakes and ponds important?

They have water we drink, they have fish we eat and it has the water that evaperates for us to have rain.

Which fish live in lakes?

Rainbow trout, big mouth catfish, bass, minnows. There are several types of fish that live in lakes. Sometimes when you are looking for a particular type of fish it can depend on were you go. Not all lakes have the same types of fish in them.

Why do turtle eat fish?

Turtles live and lakes and rivers. Fish are a natural way for any reptile living in these places to nourish itself.