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i am pretty sure fresh, but there might be a chance that they drink salt water

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Q: What do Guam hermit crabs drink Fresh or salt water?
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Do hermit crabs live in fresh or salt water?

Hermit crabs do need both types of water but they need both water because they need to clean themselves and they just drink salt water.

Can a hermit crab drink both salt and fresh water?

No hermit crabs need distilled water for fresh water (which they drink), and need SEA salt water for them to bathe in (so the exoskeleton gets stronger)

What hermit crab kind is the best?

purple pincher hermit crabs, you can tell this crab apart from other because they have a purple pincher. these need fresh water so the water we drink is the water they need to drink all other type of hermit crabs need salt water

Do hermit crabs drink fresh water?

Yes, hermit crabs do need access to fresh water for hydration. They cannot survive solely on saltwater and should have a dish of fresh water available at all times for them to drink and also to help maintain proper moisture levels in their environment.

How does an hermit crab drink?

Hermit crabs dip their big claw in and drink drop of water on it.

What kind of water can hermit crabs drink?

salt water.

What does water hermit crabs look like?

Land Hermit Crabs consume fresh water. It is suggested by some pet stores to have two watering dishes. One for bottled fresh water and the other for bottled salt water. The hermit crab can choose between the two depending upon the nutrients it feels it needs. If you do not have salt water- that is fine, it is not necessary.

What kind of water do hermit crabs need?

Salt water hermit crabs need to live in ocean water that has been properly set up (like a reef aquarium). Land hermit crabs need access to both fresh and salt water but live the majority of their lives on land.

Can hermit crabs live in only water?

No, there are some hermit crabs called purple pinchers and they happen to be land crabs.

What type of crabs live in fresh water?

Yes, there are many types of crabs that live in fresh water.

Where do crabs live salt water or fresh water?

Yes, Hermit crabs can survive in salt water but they dont live as long in water as they do on land

Do hermit crabs drink salt water?

Hermit crabs require both fresh and salt water to thrive. They drink fresh water to stay hydrated and occasionally dip into salt water to replenish minerals and salts. It's important for their overall health and ability to moult properly.