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Yes. Adding salt to your food can cause health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. An old traditional method of human suicideinvolved consuming a pound or so of salt! Salt was unknown by many North American indigenous tribes until the arrival of Europeans. Their natural diet provided them with sufficient salt, without any need for adding more, as does the diet of people of most other cultures in most regions of the world. Salt is needed in the diet, but a reasonably well-balanced diet already contains enough. Potassium chloride tastes like salt, and is among the modern commonly used salt substitutes for table salt (sodium chloride) for those on a low sodium diet, but salt substitutes have their own sets of negative medical side effects.

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Any disease; but the recommended daily intake is 2-5 g. Also salt (NaCl) is not recommended for health diseases, when using prednisone etc.

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There are diseases such as ich (white spots) which can be treated with salt. They can get to your pet goldfish easily and expert websites will have answers.

What can to much salt do to you?

it can cause Heart diseases, and can sometimes cause death

What are thee facts about potassium?

Potassium is a type of salt. Sodium is its friend or foe. If you balance these, then you do not have to worry about heart diseases or kidney diseases. Good luck!

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When adding salt to pond and/or aquarium you should always read your label to see how much of that particular salt you should add for your size pond/tank. Do not use table salt.

Is there an alternative to salt when cooking?

Persons with cardio-vascular diseases can use potassium chloride - KCl.

What happens if you have a lrage quantity of salt everyday?

Now it is considered that this is an abuse which can lead to heart diseases.

Can people die from not eating salt?

No, it is not possible but it is not recommended to totally avoid salt excepting cases or heart diseases or other illness when potassium chloride is recommended.

Sick on eating food with salt in it?

Eating much salt (more than 5 g daily) can lead to an an increase in the arterial pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

What can not enough salt do to you?

This situation is called hyponatremia. See the link below for associated symptoms and diseases.

Is salt water a poison to the body?

it is not really a poison you wont die but it is not good for your body because you can catch diseases

Why healthier food taste bland?

Healthier food usually taste bland because they tend to contain less salt and sugar. High intake of salt and sugar may lead to certain diseases.

How did people use salt in the past?

They used the compound minerals in rocks to create salt. They used it to add flavor to bland food. Little did they know, but the compound was dirty and caused many incurable diseases.