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Q: What custard do schools use?
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Simile what simile can you use for custard was as thick as?

You could use the sentence, 'The custard was thick as mud.'

Is it true you only use egg yolks in egg custard and not the white?

It is a richer custard if you use just yolks. But you can use more yolks than whites and it will still be yummy.

Why 1 egg use to 125 ml of milk in an egg custard?

1 egg to 125ml of milk in a egg custard

Can you use soy milk for birds custard?

Theoretically yes, in practice.... don't bother. You can get Provamel custard which is much more reliable!

Can one use flaky pastry to make Custard Slices?


What can you use instead of whipping cream to make creme brulee?


What is green custard?

mint custard

What are the two things we use custard cups for?

They are small containers that are good for a lot of things like cooking custards, snacks and preparing ingredients. They are usually very durable (oven, microwave, freezer etc).

Does Zac Efron like custard?

Who doesn't like custard everyone likes custard!

Is vanilla pudding good to use in a creme brule?

No. It is a pudding and brûlée is a custard.

What country does custard origanally come from?

The French probably use custard more than any other pastry makers. But it might go further back to roman times. Generally the custard we use today may have had it's roots in the medieval era, throughout Europe, including Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

Do monkeys eat custard?

do monkeys eat custard?: some monkeys like custard and some dont. i tried it by leaving some custard outside