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Q: What country does fruit salsa served with cinnamon chips come from?
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Related questions

What are the accompaniments which usually serve with sandwiches?

Sandwiches are often served with chips and pickles. A piece of fruit, cole slaw or a fruit cup are also good accompaniments.

Is there a fruit in Louisiana called cinnamon fruit?


What is the national fruit of Brazil?

Ajiaco, soup made from chicken, corn, potatoes, avocado and cinnamon. Served with boiled rice mixed with peas.

What fruit goes with cinnamon?


What spices mix with fruit?

cinnamon and cloves.

Which typical fruit is served as an hors d oeuvre?

You can serve anything as an hors d'oeuvre! Fruit is one choice. You can serve any fruit that can be picked up with the fingers, or on a toothpick. Fruit like pineapple can be cut into small pieces to make this easier. Other foods typically served as hors d'oeuvres include cheese, bread, caviar, and chips. Olives may also be used.

Are tortilla chips a fruit or vegetable?


What habitats do Amazon rainforest people live in?

fruit and flavoured spices:ginger, cinnamon, oranges, bananas, star fruit.

What kind of food can you bring on an airplane?

It depends on customs and sexurity for each country. Usually no fruit and vegetables. When i go i can bring chips and stuff like that on.

What is celia cruz favorite food?

chips and salsa and mangos

What do Wompoo Fruit Doves eat?

The Wompoo's diet maninly consists of fruit and occasionally insects. Major food items are Figs, Cinnamon Tree Fruit, Annonaceae Fruit and Arecaceae Fruit.

Which spice was used with fruit?

Cinnamon is commonly used in fruit dishes that are desserts. Cloves, nutmeg and vanilla are also common.