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Q: What country do pickles come from?
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What country invented pickles?


What has the author William Pickles written?

William Pickles has written: 'Epidemiology in country practice' -- subject(s): Epidemiology

Do you need export license to export pickles?

no!! obviously you dont need a license to export pickles.....where do you come from....antartica.....

Does pickles come from a pig?

Various foods can be made into pickles. The most common pickles are made from cucumbers. Pig feet are sometimes pickled, as are asparagus and melon rinds.

When will the world come out with pink and purple pickles and taco's?

Never, I hope.

How many pickles in a peck?

A peck is defined as two gallons of dry volume. Pickles come in various sizes so this volume can hold various numbers of them, but it would be in the vicinity of possibly a hundred pickles.

What does the surname of Pickles mean and what is its country of origin?

The English surname Pickles means son of Pickle. A place name from Middle English meaning 'small field'.

What food group do Indian pickles come under?

They are marinated fruits and vegetables.

What country was the dog from when he found the world cup?

The dogs name is Pickles. The dog is from England.

What are the properties of the pickle?

Pickles come in many shapes and sizes. But some pickles can be small like the size of your pinky or some the size of your foot! Pickles are usually a jade green colour and they usually have indents in them. The inside of a pickle is usually a lighter green and they are filled with seeds in the center. When you buy a jar of pickles some might have a little stem on top. That is totally natural.

Are pickles fruity?

No, pickles are not fruity. Unless you have fruity pickles.

How long can pickles be open?

Pickles can be open for weeks! Acid in pickles kill germs and protect the pickles.