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Actually, it was invented while some guy, I forgot, was sailing a big ship on a stormy night, he was eating some kind of bread, and he accidentally poked a hole through the center, making what we call today doughnut.
America,I think

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10y ago
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15y ago

History - Possible origins

Doughnuts have a disputed history. One theory is that they were introduced into North America by Dutch settlers, who are responsible for popularizing other desserts, including cookies, cream pie, and cobbler. Another story credits the invention of the doughnut hole to a Danish sea captain named Hanson Gregory. During a particularly violent storm, Gregory needed both hands free to man the wheel of his ship, and impaled a fried cake upon the wheel, creating the signature hole. The center of fried cakes were notorious for being undercooked, so the innovation stuck. By cooking fried cakes with the center hole, the surface area increased, and the doughnut cooked faster. Another possible origin has the dessert's invention as part of the story of Hanukkah. Called sufganiyot, Jews make these pastries (and other oily foods like latkes) to remind them of the sacramental oil that was used to light the seven-branched Menorah in the Temple. A romantic version says girls created them to give to Johnny Fry as he sped by during the Pony Express in 1860.

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13y ago

Ancient Roman cooks were known to fry sweet breads in oil, food historians generally credit the invention of deep-fried yeast pastries (oly koeks) to the people of Northern Europe. Presumably during Medieval times.

Hope this helps!


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There are probably over 1000 considering the donuts from our country plus the donuts from other places around the world.well, if they have donuts in other country's but im pretty sure they do.

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Some stores make their own donuts. They have bakers come in at 3am. In many smaller stores that have a drive thru the donuts are brought to the store already made and then the staff just has to arrange and place them out for sale.

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Dunkin' Donuts has stores in just about every European country. Great Britain, France, and Germany have the most Dunkin' Donuts stores of any European countries.

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Yes!!! She was asked by Gorge Washington to distract the redcoats with (turnip) donuts!

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Yes they did!

Where is David Mann Worton?

krispy kreme donuts!!!!! how come no one knows this!!!!!

What counrty is famous for churros donuts and the soccer team real Madrid?

The country is Spain.

What are many types of donuts?

many types of donuts are glazed , donuts with sprinkles , chocolate donuts , cinnamon donuts, vanilla donuts and more

What are things that come in 12's?

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