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Q: What country did first gingerbread house come from?
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Which country did gingerbread house come from?


Which country - gingerbread house come from?


Which contry did the gingerbread house come from?

the gingerbread house came from Germany

What country do gingerbread houses come from?

There are no such things as gingerbread houses. They are in your imagination

What country did ginger bread house come from?

An Armenian monk brought the recipe for gingerbread to France in 922 AD. Gingerbread spread to Germany, Sweden and the UK. German bakers started making gingerbread houses in the 1800s.

What county did the gingerbread house come from?

The tradition of baking a Gingerbread house began in Germany after the Brothers Grimm published their collection of German

What country did the ginger bread house come from?

Since 1991, the people of Bergen, Norway, have built a city of gingerbread houses each year before Christmas.

What part of Europe did gingerbread come from?

Gingerbread originates from Armenia.

Where the gingerbread man come from?

The gingerbread man came from Germany

What country did gingerbread come from?

Gingerbread originated in ancient Greece and was later popularized in Europe, particularly in Germany. Today, various countries around the world have their own versions of gingerbread, but its true origins can be traced back to ancient Greece.

Where did gingerbread originally come from?


Where does the saying the gilt has worn off the gingerbread come from?

That phrase is not talking about the gingerbread you eat! Victorian Era houses had a lot of decorative woodwork that was called "gingerbread" because it looked a bit like the decorative gingerbread houses people make. If your gingerbread on your house had gold leaf rubbed on, it was gilded, or gilt. "The gilt has worn off the gingerbread" thus means that time has passed and the decorations aren't as pretty - in other words, the newness has worn off.