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Egypt 6300 thousand metric tonnes Japan 5800 thousand metric tonnes Brazil 5600 thousand metric tonnes Indonesia 4100 thousand metric tonnes Mexico 3400 thousand metric tonnes Algeria 3300 thousand metric tonnes

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Annual Wheat production

China 96.2 million tons

India 72 million tons

United States 57.1 million tons

Russia 45.5 million tons

France 36.9 million tons

Canada 25.5 million tons AND Australia

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Q: What countries grow wheat?
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Related questions

Why do other countries need wheat?

Same as in usa, they also use wheat for food. Some countries do not grow enough of it to satisfy the need of their polulation, so they need to import it.

Does the US grow enough wheat and corn to feed its own people?

Yes. In most years, US farmers grow enough wheat and corn to export around 30% of both crops to other countries.

Can wheat grow in Michigan?

Yes, wheat does grow in Michigan.

Did wheat grow in Nebraska?

Yes, Wheat did and still does grow in Nebraska.

Does wheat grow in the desert?

Wheat can be grown in the desert but it requires cultivation and irrigation. It is not a common practice to grow wheat in a desert.

What is some favorable news associated with global warming - perhaps one of the few advantages?

Countries that are too cold to grow wheat or rice may be able to grow them.

How many acres to grow wheat?

wheat needs 145 acres of land to grow

Can you raise wheat or grow wheat?

you can grow wheat in a field but if you want to raise bread, yes, wheat is an ingredient, but it's the yeast that makes the bread rise.

What special conditions are required to grow wheat?

Topsoil, nitrogen fertilizer, moisture, and wheat seeds are not special conditions, but they are required to grow wheat.

What happens if wheat is grown in kharif season?

wheat will not grow cause its not a favorable climate for the crop to grow

How long does wheat take to grow in minecraft?

WHeat takes about 2 months TO GROW

Can you grow wheat on the equator?

Yes, wheat can be grown on the equator as long as the conditions for cultivation, such as soil quality, temperature, and water availability, are favorable. However, some wheat varieties may be better suited for specific climate conditions.