

Best Answer

Many countries grow Pears. There are over 30 know varieties around the world.

Top producers

People's Republic of China12625000Italy840516United States799180Spain537400Argentina520000

South Korea425000Turkey349420Japan325000

South Africa325000


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13y ago

China, Italy, Argentina, Korea, USA, Japan, South Africa, Turkey, Germany, and Spain.

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Q: What countries grow pears?
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Related questions

Do pears grow in clams?

No pears grow in trees.

What seasan do pears grow?

Pears grow in the US in the spring and into summer.

What plant do pears grow on?

Pears grow on a tree that is part of the Pyrus genus. These trees produce fruit that is known as pears.

Do pears grow in rainforest?

No. Pears grows in a moderate temperatures and are sensitive to wet weather. Pear trees are mostly Europian or Asian species.

Why do pears grow best in Sweden?

because Swedes like to eat pears!

Can pears grow in Ireland?


What fruits grow in Korea?

pears.......... ?

Do pears grow in Mexico?


Where do pears grow?

Pears grow on pear trees. The exact place on the tree is a little unusual; a pear tree has a large number of short spurs growing straight out from a branch, or even the trunk. Although they look like enormous thorns, the fruiting spurs are harmless; each spur bears one pear. The geographical distribution of pears is enormous; in the USA they will grow anywhere from USDA zone 3 to zone 12. All they need is an ample suply of water, and some sun in summer. Pears grow on pear trees. They are not a picky plant and will grow in most conditions. Pear trees should not be planted in climates where temperatures drop beneath -15f and should be in soil which drains well.

Which countries do pears come from?

Well, Obviously pears come from pear Trees. Pears can come from many places. Pears grow almost anywhere in the US. My Grandfather had pears growing just in Vancouver which is unusual but, it would be hit in miss for an area like that. Basically all you need is some water and some sunlight. Countries: USA Regions of Europe Western And Central Asia Mexico (Basically any hot areas) Hoped This Helped

What trees do pears grow on?

pear trees

Where do prickly pears grow?

temprete sone