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Q: What cooking herb comes from lemon wooley and silver varieties?
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What is elastic tissue?

When used when talking about butchery or cooking, elastic tissue would be the "silver skin" . Silver skin is the connective tissue on the outside of a cut of meat that needs to be removed prior to cooking. This tissue will shrink causing the cooking meat to contract. Example: silver skin left on the outside edge of a steak will cause the edges of the steak to curl up when it comes in contact with heat.

What exactly is a kitchen stove?

A kitchen stove is a household appliance. It is used for cooking and comes in many varieties including electrics, wood, coil, and gas. It is essential in modernized living, unless you microwave everything.

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elephants come in african and indian varieties you can get african elephants and indian elephants.

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Most vegetables, fruits and dressings you would include in a salad are available in different varieties.

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Yes. It comes in 2 varieties - Ashkenaz and Sephard.

What kind of fuel comes from cooking oil?

Cooking oil can be converted to diesel fuel

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It is a Barracuda

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The Phsycoactive is jwh which comes in many varieties