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Q: What consellation is named after a fish?
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What is an fact about the consellation Aquarius?

it is the oldest constellation

Bear over the air?

ursa the star consellation

What consellation is polaris found in?

Ursa Minor - the Little Bear.

What consellation is known as the flying horse?

That would be the Pegasus constellation.

When did Marvin Sands of Consellation Brands die?

August of 1999

What are the names of the main stars in the constellation Andromeda?

The main stars in the constellation Andromeda are Alpheratz, Mirach, and Almach. These stars are part of the distinctive "V" shape pattern that forms the body of the mythological princess Andromeda.

What is another name for Bear over the air?

URSA the star consellation

Which constellation is named after a fish?

The constellation named after a fish is Pisces. The Pisces Constellation is in the southern sky. Its name means "the fish" in Latin.

What consellation is the big dipper in?

The Big Dipper is part of the Ursa Major constellation.

Why is the Blind Cave Fish named the Blind Cave Fish?

The Blind Cave Fish is named the Blind Cave Fishbecause it has no eyes!

Why Are Swedish Fish Named Swedish Fish?

We are not to blame - we do not call them Swedish fish!

What is the best known consellation in the southern hemisphere?

dont no and dont care i hate science