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Q: What companies use McGregor's X and Y Theory?
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McGregors theory x and theory y of motivation?

The McGregor's theory x implies that workers need close supervision because they are not self motivated by nature. The theory y implies that there is no need for close supervision because employees can generally motivate themselves to meet targets.

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What are the examples of Theory X in management?

example of theory X is the toyota company example of theory Y is Google company Ashraf

Which of the following is a Theory X assumption?

The assumptions of a Theory X worker is that they are;lazydislike responsibilityresistant to changelack ambition

What is Mcgregors theory x and theory y?

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting approaches to management. Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy, dislike work, and need to be closely monitored and controlled. On the other hand, Theory Y assumes that employees are self-motivated, enjoy work, and can be trusted to take on responsibility and be creative. These theories influence how managers view and interact with their employees.

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integral form 0 to infinty (x^2) / (e^x+1) dx = ?

What is theory X theory Y?

Theory X and Theory Y are two contrasting management theories proposed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960s. Theory X assumes that employees are inherently lazy and need to be closely controlled and directed. Theory Y, on the other hand, assumes that employees are self-motivated and can be trusted to take initiative and responsibility in their work.

Describe McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about workers?

Theory X is a group of ideas created by Douglas McGreggor in the 1960's. It deals with human motivations. He also discussed theory

What is McGregors X Y theory?

McGregor's X-Y theory is a management theory that proposes two contrasting views of employee motivation. Theory X asserts that employees are inherently lazy and require strict oversight, while Theory Y suggests that employees are internally motivated and can excel when given autonomy and trust. It highlights the importance of management style in shaping employee attitudes and performance.

What are the important limitations of McGregors Theory X Theory Y?

According to McGregor, there are the following two types of managers:• Theory X managers - These managers believe that most of the people are self-centered, are only motivated by their physiological and safety needs, and are indifferent to the needs of the organization they work for. They (usually the team) lack ambition and have very little creativity and problem-solving capacity. As a result, they dislike their work and will try to avoid it. They will also avoid taking responsibility and initiative. There is one word to describe Theory X managers: distrust. They distrust their employees. These managers, therefore, tend to be authoritarian.• Theory Y managers - As opposed to Theory X managers, Theory Y managers trust their employees. They believe that most of the people are high performers in a proper work environment. This is because most of the people are creative and committed to meeting the needs of the organization they work for. Theory Y managers also believe that most people like to take responsibility and initiative and are self-disciplined. Finally, they also believe that most people are motivated by all levels of needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. These managers tend to provide more freedom and opportunity for career growth.Trivia:Given the same team and same work environment, a Theory Y Manager's team will perform better and deliver better quality work product than the team managed by the Theory X Manager. The reason is simple. People hate authority and in most cases rebel

What are some different companies that make 4 x 6 speakers?

There are several different companies that make 4 x 6 speakers. Some of the best companies which are offering the 4 x 6 speakers are Pyle, Polk companies.