

What color chicken lays cream eggs?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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Chickens do not lay eggs according to the colour of their feathers, but here are some breeds that lay cream eggs:

-Buff Orpington

-Barred Rock

-Americauna (these also lay green eggs sometimes)

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13y ago
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12y ago

well i have had a couple leghorn chickens and they are really mean! i mean its like a devil chicken! but since i can not kill a animal....i had to keep her. when she grew up her eggs where huge. they would not even fit in a egg carton you get from the store. they where a very pretty white. and they lay there eggs every day. hope i helped:]

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14y ago

All leghorn eggs are white

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12y ago

cream color

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Name of chicken that lays a green egg?

Americauna chickens lay eggs that are green, blue, to cream in color.

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To get a chicken to lay an egg with a purple shell, you can feed it foods that are high in pigments, such as beets, blueberries, and blackberries. These foods can enhance the color of the eggshell. Additionally, certain breeds of chickens, like the Easter Egger, naturally lay eggs with blue or green shells that can sometimes appear purple.

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No snake will lay pink eggs all snakes will gave live birth or lay eggs that are white or a cream color and the eggs are soft shelled non like birds. I hope this was helpful :-)