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The cranberry fruit is an epigynous berry that is larger than the leaves of the plant; it is initially white, but turns a deep red when fully ripe. It is edible, with an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness.

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Q: What color are cranberries initially before they are ripe?
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Cranberries is what color before ripe?

Generally greenish or whitish.

Cranberries are bounced to see if they are ripe. How high should they bounce to be considered ripe?

About 4 inches high.

Where and how do farmers harvest cranberries?

they flood the land and the ripe ones float up

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A lemon can be used before it is ripe, but it will not have as much juice and be harder to squeeze. The ripeness of a lemon can be judged by its color, and it is ripe when no green tinge remains.

How high does a cranberry have to bounce to harvest it?

A cranberry should bounce about 4 inches high to indicate that it is ripe and ready to be harvested. Farmers use this method to sort out ripe cranberries from unripe ones during harvesting.

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blue. na, jk. seriously, its green. and the place where the banana is grown is reddish pinkish. REALLY!

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What is the color variations of a strawberry?

the varations of colour on are straberry are red when they are ripe and white and green when not ripe the varations of colour on are straberry are red when they are ripe and white and green when not ripe the varations of colour on are straberry are red when they are ripe and white and green when not ripe